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【平裝50G藍光】德國攀岩雙煞 3D < 2D + 快門3D > << 返 回
Die Huberbuam 3D

  所屬分類: 藍光 知識探索
  語      言: 英文發音
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: BD-50G
臺版 PS3 不兼容

臺版 PS3 不兼容
Sony S470 通過
Pioneer BDP-430 通過

It is their last great challenge as an extreme climber.
A world first in terms of technology, production conditions and style.
This documentary shows the genre of mountain film again: in 3D.

The Huber brothers, Thomas (44) and Alexander (42) are superstars of the climbing scene, not least because of the movie "To the Limit" are far above their sport fan base has become famous. They are not only for its own climbing style, but for authenticity and a strong will. If need be, go with your head against the wall ...
But even at the age Huberbuam is not immune. They themselves say that there are now giving younger who are better today than they did. But they want to once again show that they are still able to cope with extreme speed. When her personal "fate route," they have chosen a wall that they could conquer yet and not as one of the worst ever is: the route "karma" on the stone slab in the region of the Lofer Alm near Berchtesgaden.

There are the highs, they conquered, but above all the valleys which they have passed together, which makes the brothers as a unit as strong as they are agreed. Only together could they get to this level, it has been made ??over a decade in the climbing scene so well known and dominant. The "Karma" they both say, our last big challenge will be in rock climbing, it is the culmination of her career to be as extreme climbers. . But it is the last challenge before the next start - whatever that may be then
Disc Size: 30,481,735,254 bytes
Length: 0:44:02.222
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Audio: German / Dolby Digital Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps
Audio: German / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
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