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1 . 【平裝版藍光】[英] 紅雀 (2018)〈台版〉
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【平裝版藍光】閣樓女郎寫真 3D <2D + 快門3D> << 返 回
Penthouse - Sexy Singles 3D

  所屬分類: 藍光 寫真
  語      言: 英語
  級      別: 1
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
2D + 快門3D
臺版 PS3 撥放測試通過
Sony S470 撥放測試通過
pioneer BDP-430 撥放測試通過
Panasonic DMP-BDT110 撥放測試通過

The penthouse sexy singles are looking for Mr. Right. Here we see Ivy, Sophia and all the other cute girl of her delicious chocolate side.

And also great erotic variety is offered. Enjoy an unforgettable time with this high-class dream girls. A seductive experience in a class for men. A template to follow suit for the ladies. Experience the sensual and erotic 7 of 7 exclusive penthouse Petsin solo strips.

Disc Size: 22,771,254,207 bytes
Length: 0:54:00.987
Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
Video: MPEG-4 MVC Video / 0 kbps /
Audio: German / Dolby Digital Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 384 kbps / DN -4dB
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