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Vikings S02

  所屬分類: 美國影集
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 喬治·布萊頓     古斯塔·斯卡斯加德     凱薩琳·溫妮克     崔維斯·費米爾     萊納斯·羅徹     克萊夫·斯坦登     
  導      演: Ciaran Donnelly
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
King Horik is now at war with Jarl Borg, who is accompanied by Rollo. Rollo, now bitter and enraged, rampages through battle, killing and wounding many of his kin, but cannot fight his brother when faced and surrenders to him. In a stalemate, Ragnar, Horik and Jarl Borg come to an agreement and decide to raid as a single force. Rollo, now ostracized by his kin for his betrayal, awaits death by trial but is spared by a judge who has been bribed by Ragnar. Princess Aslaug makes her way to Ragnar's kingdom, now pregnant with Ragnar's child. Humiliated, Lagertha leaves Ragnar, taking with her their remaining son Bjorn.

Four years pass: Aslaug is now ruling with Ragnar and raising their sons. Rollo has faded away into obscurity and self-destruction because of shame, but is forgiven by Ragnar, although excluded from the raid. Horik has now decided to exclude Jarl Borg from the raid for personal reasons. Ragnar tells Jarl Borg of the decision, and he leaves angry and slighted. A storm throws the raid off course and lands the Viking horde in Wessex, which is ruled by the ruthless King Ecbert (Linus Roache). The Vikings begin to plunder the countryside and Athelstan, who has now been integrated into the Vikings and has joined them on the raid, finds it hard to fully embrace Viking brutality and is deeply troubled.

Lagertha has since remarried to a powerful but abusive Earl of whom now-teenage Bjorn disapproves. Jarl Borg seeks vengeance against Ragnar for his slight and begins an invasion of his homeland. Rollo, who had been left behind, stages a defense of Kattegat, but is defeated and forced to retreat from the village. Rollo takes the survivors, including earl Haraldson's widow Siggy (Jessalyn Gilsig), Aslaug, and her children, and flees to a remote farming settlement. While Ragnar and King Ecbert negotiate, Jarl Borg declares himself ruler of Ragnar's lands. Word reaches Ragnar of Jarl Borg's treachery, and he abandons the campaign. Athelstan stays behind with King Horik and after being captured by Wessex's soldiers, he is condemned to death as an apostate, but spared by the mercy of King Ecbert. Ragnar locates Rollo, who is short on warriors to strike back at Jarl Borg. Ragnar finds unexpected assistance from Lagertha and Bjorn, who arrive with a detachment of warriors to aid in taking back Kattegat.

Ragnar plots against Jarl Borg and decides to destroy Kattegat's winter stock of food in order to draw Jarl Borg out of Kattegat. Jarl Borg seeks to find who has destroyed the stock and is led into a trap forcing him into open battle with Ragnar and Lagertha's forces. Athelstan, now once again living among his Saxon people, is divided about his faith and deeply troubled. Back in Kattegat, Jarl Borg is defeated and is forced to retreat. Ragnar realizes he is still in love with Lagertha; however, she declines his offer to stay and leaves him once again, but allows Bjorn to stay behind. Ragnar forces Aslaug into a sexual intercourse, ignoring Aslaug's attempt to dispurse him by claiming it would result in the conception of "a monster".

King Horik returns to Kattegat, driven out of Wessex by King Ecbert, and has lost most of his forces. Seeking revenge, Horik asks Ragnar for help but wants Jarl Borg to return to the alliance. Rollo is sent as emissary to G?taland to negotiate with Jarl Borg. Athelstan becomes a valued confidant of King Ecbert. Lagertha returns home to a displeased, unpopular husband who humiliates her until she takes her revenge, resulting in her husband's death. Lagertha is hailed as the new ruler of Hedeby. Jarl Borg returns to Kattegat, where his forces are burnt alive in revenge and Jarl Borg is taken prisoner to await execution by blood eagle. Ragnar postpones the execution of Jarl Borg at the request of King Horik in order to find alternative allies first. King Ecbert forges an alliance with an old enemy of Ragnar's, King Aelle of Northumbria. Jarl Borg attempts to stir up rebellion against Ragnar, who is starting to become suspicious of people around him. Ragnar receives support and ships from an unknown earl who turns out to be Lagertha. With Ragnar having obtained the needed assistance, Jarl Borg, tricked into believing he is being allowed to escape, is instead brought to an altar and executed by Ragnar. Aslaug's prophecy appears to be correct when she gives birth to a crippled son after a difficult pregnancy. Ragnar attempts to commit infanticide by exposure, but Aslaug saves her baby and names him Ivar.

Tension builds between Ragnar and King Horik upon returning to Wessex. The Viking horde is drawn into open battle against a massive English army assembled by King Ecbert and King Aelle. Rollo is badly wounded in battle, captured and traded back to the Vikings for mercenaries in service to the kingdom of Mercia. Athelstan decides to return with the Vikings to Kattegat at the request of Ragnar. Tensions worsen as King Horik plots to murder Ragnar and his entire family. Horik is led to believe that Floki and Siggy are supporting his conspiracy against Ragnar, but when he mounts his attack upon Ragnar, he learns that his plot was known and prepared for. Ragnar kills Horik and much of his family, and he (along with Bjorn) obtains Horik's sword, thereby making himself King.
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