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Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro

  所屬分類: 歌劇、舞台劇
  語      言: 義語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: Pietro Spagnoli     Annette Dasch     Rosemary Joshua     Luca Pisaroni     Angelika Kirchschlager     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro, K492
Concerto K?ln & Choeur du Th?atre des Champs-Elys?es
Ren? Jacobs
Pietro Spagnoli (Count), Annette Dasch (Countess), Rosemary Joshua (Susanna), Luca Pisaroni (Figaro), Angelika Kirchschlager (Cherubino), Sophie Pondjiclis (Marcellina), Alessandro Svab (Antonio), Antonio Abete (Bartolo), Enrico Facini (Don Basilio), Paulette Courtin (Barbarina) & Serge Goubioud (Don Curzio)

Hans Schavernoch (set design)

Sylvie de Segonzac (costumes)

Jean Kalman (lighting)

Cookie Chiapalone (choreography)

Pierre Barr? (director for TV)

Recorded at the Th?atre des Champs-Elys?es ,le Nozze de Figaro was unanimously acclaimed by public and critics alike as a Mozart opera landmark. Director Jean-Louis Martinoty brings an elegantly intelligent narrative sense to an interpretation in which the protagonists, against a backdrop of magnificent canvases of 18th- century inspiration, are dressed by Sylvie de Segonzac in a palette in which every shade is perfect. Hans

Schavernoch’s set suggests an elitist society that is coming apart at the seams. Ren? Jacobs’s conducting of Concerto K?ln is meticulous and perfectly balanced, offering a ravishing use of tonal colour and orchestral dynamics. A veteran Almaviva, the excellent Pitero Spagnoli plays opposite Annette Dasch’s beauteous Countess. As Figaro and Susanna,

Luca Pisaroni and Rosemary Joshua are a truly sparkling couple, while mezzo Angelika Kirchschlager embodies the most divinely troubling of Cherubino. The exceptional quality of this production, and the great success encountered by its first edition on DVD, inevitably led to the remastering in high-definition of this program, now and for the first time also available on Blu-ray.

Running time : 182 min

Original language : ITA

Subtitles : FR / ENG / GER / ITA / SPA / JAP / KOR / Chinese(後加)
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