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【平裝版藍光】天使女伶 遠古仙境 現場演唱會 (2016) << 返 回
Celtic Woman / Ancient Land

  所屬分類: 流行樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 無字幕
  級      別: 1
  演      員: 天使女伶     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光

音軌:PCM_bluray,48000Hz,stereo,s16,1536 kb/s


★ 葛萊美獎提名認證愛爾蘭首席女子美聲天團

完美駕馭Celtic傳統民族音樂,兼容Folk、New-Age Music、Christian AC、Pop Classical以及跨界美聲,Celtic Woman可以說是愛爾蘭地區的首席女子美聲天團,至今她們地位依然無可撼搖;雖然多年來團員經常更換,但Celtic Woman依舊保有她們的典範,持續在樂界創造出人類最美的聲響。如今她們將帶來全新之作,再次驚艷所有樂迷。

Celtic Woman成立於2004年的愛爾蘭,團員曾經有Chlo? Agnew、?rla Fallon、Lynn Hilary、Lisa Kelly、Lisa Lambe、M?ir?ad Nesbitt、M?av N? Mhaolchatha等人,目前則由M?ir?ad Carlin、?abha McMahon、Tara McNeill以及新加入的Megan Walsh等四人撐起一片天。Celtic Woman歷年來釋出【Celtic Woman】、【A Christmas Celebration】、【A Celtic Family Christmas】、【Lullaby】、【Believe】、【Emerald – Musical Gems】、【Destiny】、【Voices of Angels】等作品,12次闖入美國告示牌排行榜,寫下令人欣羨的成績。除了音樂作品多產之外,Celtic Woman長年以來也經常舉行世界巡迴演唱會,足跡踏遍了全球,而總計她們的CD與DVD加總在全球超過千萬張銷售,可以說是美聲女團的代表性組合之一。2018年底,Celtic Woman帶來全新第13張專輯【Ancient Land】,不僅登上美國告示牌世界音樂專輯榜的No.6,也奪得愛爾蘭排行榜No.13,寫下亮眼成績。

Celtic Woman: Ancient Land is the eleventh Video release by the group Celtic Woman. The music was produced, arranged, and orchestrated by Gavin Murphy and includes a mixture of traditional Irish songs and contemporary arrangements. The lead performers are vocalists Mirad Carlin, abha McMahon , and Megan Walsh as well as instrumentalist Tara McNeill. Celtic Woman: Ancient Land was Walsh's studio debut and live debut with the group.


01.Ancient Land
03.Moorlough Shore
04.Ae Fond Kiss
05.Amazing Grace
06.Long Journey Home
09.County Down
10.Love & Honour
11.Ballroom of Romance
12.Follow Me
13.Mna Na hEireann (Women Of Ireland)
14.Over The Rainbow
15.Tara's Tunes
16.Danny Boy
17.Garden of Eden
18.Faith's Song
19.Siuil A Ruin
20.Be Still
21.Going Home
22.The Enchanted Way
23.Parting Glass

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