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Roman Zaslavsky: Ingenious Opposites Vol.1

  所屬分類: 古典樂
  語      言: 英語
  字幕/版本: 繁體中文
  演      員: 扎斯拉夫斯基     
  片      數: 1片
  光碟類別: 25G藍光
Roman Zaslavsky: Ingenious Opposites Vol.1 Blu-ray Audio
Recorded at Studio Halle, Halle, October 2011
Robert Schumann
Arabeske op.18
Symphonic Etudes, op. 13
Franz Liszt
Sonetto 104 del Petrarca
Sonetto 123 del Petrarca
Apres une lecture de Dante:
Sonata Quasi Fantasia
Etudes d'execution transcendante:
Wilde Jagd
Presto Molto Agitato
Sergei Rachmaninoff
Prelude in G major op. 32 No.5
Format: Audio Blu-Ray
Music: LPCM 2.0 (96kHz, 24-bit)
Music: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit)

Russian-Israeli pianist ROMAN ZASLAVSKY is a master of piano technique that espouses nuance without resorting to arbitrary mannerisms. He first gained recognition by taking 1st prize—the Primer. He first gained recognition by taking 1st prize—the Primerr and Valrr.in conk遠 nr. him around the globe with rave reviews after performances in Israel, Germany, Netherlands, France, Japan, Canada and Latin America.
REVOLUTIONARY SOUND QUALITY: This is the one of the first HD productions in Audio QUALITY: This is the one of the first HD productions in line produced with comprom。 creating stages in the signal path such as cables, non optimal preamps, AD converters or limiters. The result is the highest achievable and unmatched signal to noise ratio. True-Peak EBU R12888 and unmatched signal to nounion s. True-Peak EBU R12888 silo??dk uralunion??ion 到 寫作without any noise or distortion. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 24/96 lossless HD Multichannel PCM.
In presenting the historic and artistic connections of “Ingenious Opposites,” he gives the listener the chance to experience these masterpieces in aole new 5.

Russian-Israeli pianist ROMAN ZASLAVSKY is a master of piano technique that espouses nuance without resorting to arbitrary mannerisms. He first gained recognition by taking 1st prize—the Primer. He first gained recognition by taking 1st prize—the Primerr and Valrr.in conk遠 nr. him around the globe with rave reviews after performances in Israel, Germany, Netherlands, France, Japan, Canada and Latin America.
REVOLUTIONARY SOUND QUALITY: This is the one of the first HD productions in Audio QUALITY: This is the one of the first HD productions in line produced with comprom。 creating stages in the signal path such as cables, non optimal preamps, AD converters or limiters. The result is the highest achievable and unmatched signal to noise ratio. True-Peak EBU R12888 and unmatched signal to nounion s. True-Peak EBU R12888 silo??dk uralunion??ion 到 寫作without any noise or distortion. ALSO AVAILABLE IN 24/96 lossless HD Multichannel PCM.
In presenting the historic and artistic connections of “Ingenious Opposites,” he gives the listener the chance to experience these masterpieces in aole new 5.
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